Company History

Founded in 2016, SRKay Consulting Group was born from a visionary collaboration between seasoned professionals from global companies and the strategic business acumen of the SRK Group—a multi-billion-dollar conglomerate with diverse interests from Diamonds and Jewelry to Green Energy and Aviation. With a steadfast commitment to excellence and innovation, SRKay set out to redefine the landscape of strategic consulting.


Our journey began with a singular focus: to empower global organizations by establishing efficient offshore business entities and Technology GCC (Global Competency Centres) in India. This endeavour was not just about cost savings; it was about sculpting a pathway to new markets and creating operational efficiencies that aligned with the progressive aspirations of businesses poised for the future.

In a span of just a few years, SRKay's footprint has expanded across 8 countries, spanning 3 continents, cementing our reputation as one of the fastest-growing consulting firms for four consecutive years. Today, we stand over 500 talents strong, our team a testament to the specialized skills and dynamic expertise we bring to the table.

SRKay's evolution has been driven by our unwavering dedication to our clients' success, guiding them through the complexities of global expansion with strategic precision. As we continue to grow and adapt in this ever-changing business world, our history serves as the foundation for the innovative solutions we offer and the enduring partnerships we forge.

Our Mission

SRKay Consulting Group is dedicated to empowering businesses to achieve global competitiveness through setting up GCC (strategic offshoring), innovative new-shoring, and visionary re-shoring solutions. We commit to delivering unparalleled expertise in the formation and scaling of high-performance global capability centers, ensuring our clients benefit from significant cost efficiencies and talent excellence. Our mission is to enable seamless access to new market opportunities, driving growth and operational prowess in the dynamic landscapes of India and South Asia.


Our Vision

Looking ahead, SRKay Consulting Group envisions a future where every ambitious enterprise can extend its reach without bounds. We strive to be the vanguard of global business strategy, facilitating the expansion of companies into thriving new markets with agility and foresight. Our vision is to sculpt a world where the geographical barriers to business success are dissolved, enabling a seamless fusion of innovation, talent, and opportunity across continents. We aim to continue to grow as a beacon for companies seeking to transform their global presence into profitable ventures and to set the standard for excellence in the consulting arena.